3rd International Conference
Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching (iTel 2023):
Digital assessment in language teaching

6-7 November 2023
Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal
Online via Zoom / Lisbon Time Zone
(instructions on how to access the parallel rooms 1 to 3)
Following the success of the first conference in 2018 and the second in 2021, the research group El@n (Online Language Teaching) of LE@D (Distance Education and eLearning Laboratory) and of Universidade Aberta’s Department of Humanities will organize, on November 6th and 7th, 2023, the 3rd International Congress “Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching”, especially dedicated to digital assessment in language and culture teaching.
This international conference aims to bring together researchers, teachers and students in the field of language teaching, native and second language, who are dedicated to issues related to the teaching and learning of languages and cultures carried out in a virtual context or mediated by digital technologies.
It is intended to promote theoretical reflection, as well as the sharing of practices and experiences about the teaching and learning of languages and cultures carried out in a virtual environment or mediated by different digital technologies. As the subtitle indicates, in this 3rd edition of the conference, we also intend to give special attention to assessment in a digital context, namely considering the ethical issues and the new challenges it raises.