Call for Papers
Thematic axes
The 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching will unfold around the following thematic axes:
- Digital assessment in language and culture teaching (reliability; adequacy; effectiveness; ethical issues; impact of AI…);
- Innovation and practices in the teaching of languages and cultures in digital environments (augmented reality; m-learning; e-learning; b-learning; gamification; development of different communicative competences; creation and exploration of digital resources in the teaching and learning of languages and cultures; applications and various digital tools; MOOCs…).
Proposals of paper or workshop
Interested parties should submit a file (.doc or .pdf) for each paper or workshop proposal by September 22, 2023 on the following platform:
Each proposal (.doc or .pdf file) must:
- have the word “paper” or “workshop” inside square brackets, followed by the title;
- include an abstract of 250 to 300 words;
- include 3 to 5 keywords and up to 5 references;
- be written in Portuguese, German, Spanish, French or English;
- not identify the authors in the file (they are identified only through the platform).
The papers should be 15 minutes in length, followed by 5 minutes of discussion, and should combine a theoretical framework with a practical-pedagogical component, particularly highlighting the demonstration of results.
The workshops should be 25 minutes in length, followed by 5 minutes of discussion, and may use the format of an open class, practical demonstration of resources and tools, or creation of online activities or practices, among others.
Proposals must contain a description of the objectives and topics to be covered.
A selection of the proposals presented at the Conference will be published after a peer review process. The papers presented at the conference may be published as articles in the indexed journal RE@D: .

Abstract evaluation criteria
- Is the abstract appropriate to the proposed thematic axis(-es)?
- Is the theme of the abstract innovative/original and relevant to the academic field?
- Does it present an adequate theoretical basis?
- Are the objectives and methodology to be used clear?
- Global evaluation
- Deadline for submission of proposals: September 22, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: October 9, 2023
- Registration deadline (with presentation): October 15, 2023
- Registration deadline (without presentation): November 1, 2023
Example of a paper abstract

Teaching beginner learners of French through input‐based tasks: An approximate replication study
Authors (2017) published a study in Canadian Modern Language Review reporting an experimental study that investigated the effect of input‐based tasks on the acquisition of vocabulary and markers of plurality by adolescent near‐beginner learners of L2 French. The present paper reports an approximate replication of the original study with the aim of confirming or disconfirming the results of the first study. The research questions of both studies addressed the receptive acquisition of new vocabulary and the receptive and productive acquisition of markers of plurality resulting from instruction using input‐based tasks. Both studies investigated year 9 near‐beginner learners of French. The teacher, the students’ usual classroom teacher, was the same in both studies. In the replication study, a new larger group of year 9 students were investigated, the length of the instruction was also increased, involving the development of additional input‐based tasks, and productive as well as the receptive knowledge of the vocabulary items was assessed. The results of the two studies were compared. In both studies the learners manifested receptive gains in vocabulary and the target structure. They failed to demonstrate statistically significant gains in production of the target structures although the effect of the instruction was sizable. In the replication study the learners also manifested productive knowledge of the target vocabulary. The results of the replication study confirm and extend those of the original study. The teachers’ views about the role of input‐based tasks with near‐beginner learners remained constant in the two studies. The paper concludes with a discussion of the contribution that approximate replications can make to instructed second language acquisition research.
Keywords: Task‐Based Language Teaching, Replication Study, Input‐Based Tasks, L2 French, Adolescent Learners
[abstract by Rod Ellis & Rosemary Erlam, included in the abstract book of The Applied Linguistics Conference 2017 (ALANZ / ALAA / ALTAANZ), p. 124]