
Universidade Aberta headquarters

Palácio Ceia
Rua da Escola Politécnica, 147
1269-001 Lisboa


If you want to use public transportation, the best way is to travel to Largo do Rato. Once there, you should take Rua da Escola Politécnica and walk 3 or 4 minutes to get to the number 147.


The following public transport lines have routes that pass in Rato:

Bus: 706, 709, 713, 727, 738, 758, 773, 774

Metro: Linha Amarela/Yellow Line



Lisbon facilities at Almirante Barroso

Rua Almirante Barroso, 38
1000-013 Lisboa


If you want to use public transportation, the best way is to travel at Praça do Duque de Saldanha by bus or metro. Once there, you should take Avenida Casal Ribeiro, then turn on your right on the 3rd street, that is Rua Almirante Barroso (6 or 8 minutes walking distance).



The following public transport lines have routes that pass near Saldanha:

Bus: 727, 736, 738, 783

Metro: Linha Vermelha/Red Line



Right on Lisbon’s doorstep, Montijo is quickly accessible and a pleasant destination, where you will find a land with two distinct realities. The scenery on the municipality’s eastern side is composed by cork oak and pine tree forests, embraced by wide vineyards and rural fields.

Montijo has historically always been strongly attached to the Tagus River due to its proximity. Initially, the local economy was closely linked to river activities and agriculture and later on it gave way to commercial and industrial ones. Currently, its main industries are cork, wine production and pig farming.






The town has a vast heritage patrimony such as the Atalaia Agricultural Museum, traditional wind and tide mills that reflect the characteristics and experiences of Montijo’s inhabitants.




Further information on Montijo